Filmmaker Rima Das has announced that "Village Rockstars 2", the follow-up to her 2017 film, has been chosen to compete for the Kim Jiseok Award at the Busan International Film Festival (BIFF) in 2024.
This film is a sequel to "Village Rockstars", which gained international acclaim and won a National Award. "Village Rockstars" premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival in 2017 and was India's official entry to the 2019 Academy Awards.
As per a press release, "Village Rockstars 2" is the lone Indian feature among eight films selected for the Jiseok Competition section at the 29th edition of the Busan International Film Festival, scheduled to commence on October 2.
Earlier this year, Das was invited to join the director's branch by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. She expressed her anticipation for the world premiere of "Village Rockstars 2" at BIFF.
"'Village Rockstars' will always hold a special place in my heart, and I cherish the love and recognition it received. I'm thrilled that 'Village Rockstars 2' is premiering at Busan," the multiple award-winning director said in a statement.
The first "Village Rockstars" followed the story of a 10-year-old girl called Dhunu who befriends a group of boys and dreams of becoming a rock star.
"While it's a sequel, this film stands on its own, delving into Dhunu's relationship with her mother, mother nature, and music. I dedicate this film to all the young people with talent and dreams but limited resources to achieve them. I am hopeful that just as audiences embraced 'Village Rockstars', they will embrace this film as well," she added.
The Kim Jiseok Award, established in 2017, commemorates the late Kim Jiseok, who dedicated his life to discovering and supporting the growth of Asian cinema. It is given to the two best films that reflect the contemporary standing of Asian cinema.