For the third phase of Lok Sabha polls, at least 361 candidates have filed their nominations in 11 constituencies in Maharashtra, including the state's high-stakes Baramati and Satara seats, the officials stated.
The elections for the third phase are scheduled for May 7.
Below is the no. of candidates for mentioned constituencies:
Raigad seat - 28 candidates
Baramati - 51 candidates
Osmanabad - 36 candidates
Latur - 36 candidates
Solapur - 41 candidates
Madha - 42 candidates
Sangli - 30 candidates
Satara - 24 candidates
Ratnagiri-Sindhudurg - 9 candidates
Kolhapur - 28 candidates
Hatkanangale - 36 candidates
Friday was the last day of filing the nominations.
The contest in Baramati is being keenly watched as sitting MP Supriya Sule (NCP - Sharadchandra Pawar) will take on her sister-in-law Sunetra Pawar (NCP).
Kolhapur and Satara have the respective royal scions Shahu Chhatrapati and Udayanraje Bhosale in the fray as Congress and BJP candidates respectively.
Union minister Narayan Rane will be contesting the Ratnagiri-Sindhudurg seat as a BJP candidate, while in Sangli, sitting MP Sanjaykaka Patil of BJP is pitted against wrestler Chandrahar Patil contesting on Shiv Sena (UBT) ticket.
Vishal Patil of the Congress has also filed his nomination as an independent candidate from Sangli. His party is persuading him to withdraw from the race.