Even after not being granted the ticket for the Haryana Assembly elections, Bharatiya Janata Party leader Jawahar Yadav has urged the public to cast their vote in favour of the party, ensuring the BJP candidate's victory on the seat.
The leader announced via social media post on Facebook, which says, "All of you have supported me a lot in my preparation to contest the election from Badshahpur Legislative Assembly, for which I will be grateful to you throughout my life."
"On August 26, I received a message from the party that I am not contesting the election. Therefore, I request my colleagues that whoever the BJP chooses as its candidate, we all must ensure that he wins," he then added.
Yadav, the former Officer on Special Duty of ex-Chief Minister M L Khattar, was among the three BJP leaders, including party's district president Kamal Yadav, and former minister Rao Narbir Singh, who had thrown their hats in the ring from the Badshahpur segment.
Elections in Haryana are scheduled for October 5 and the counting of votes will take place on October 8, with the nominations to begin from Thursday, September 5.