Taking a scathing attack on the Haryana Congress, state chief minister Nayab Singh Saini on Tuesday, accused the grand old party of spreading lies, claiming the party will change the constitution if they come to power. He then takes a jibe at Congress for its' 'Haryana Maange Hisab' campaign. The CM was speaking at a "Jan Ashirwad" rally in Karnal's Nilokheri.
"Securing votes by taking support of lies and later exploiting the public is in their DNA," Saini said, adding, "They have been seeking account (of works done) from us... In the past 10 years, the double-engine government has worked to make the lives of people better... We undertook equitable development."
"We regularly give an account of our work to people. But the Congress misleads people by spreading lies."
"Hooda and other Congress members are taking out the 'Hisab Maange Yatra'. Hooda Sahab should also give an account of the works done during his 10 years of rule," he said, adding, "If I start giving an account of 10 years of our government, I can speak for 10 hours."
He then highlighted the development done by BJP in the state during the past decade.
Saini said that after he took oath as chief minister in March and just three days later the Model Code of Conduct for the Lok Sabha polls came into effect.
The BJP replaced Manohar Lal Khattar with its then state unit president Nayab Singh Saini as chief minister in March, ahead of the Lok Sabha polls. Khattar got elected to the Lok Sabha from Karnal and was made a Union minister while Saini won the Karnal Assembly bypoll that was held along with the general elections.
Saini said that after the Lok Sabha poll process ended, from that date till the announcement of the Haryana polls on August 16, he barely got around two months.
But even in that short period, the BJP government took several decisions for the welfare of various sections including farmers, youth, employees, and the poor, he said.
"Those who are seeking an account (of work done) from us, I want to tell them that we have taken several decisions for the welfare of various sections.. they should also tell what they did when they were in power."