Union Minister Suresh Gopi has filed a police complaint against journalists, claiming that they impeded his path while he was leaving the Thrissur Ramanilayam Government Guest House, according to a source in the area.
The complaint alleges that the journalists blocked his way at the guest house, although the source did not provide further details.
In the meantime, Anil Akkara, a Congress leader and former MLA, has stated that he filed a police complaint against Gopi for his behaviour towards journalists in Thrissur the day before.
Akkara mentioned that he sent the complaint via email to the Thrissur city police commissioner on Tuesday, seeking action against Gopi for breaching his oath of office.
On Tuesday, when Gopi, the first BJP Lok Sabha MP from Kerala, was asked by reporters about the allegations of sexual harassment against CPI(M) MLA M Mukesh, he had responded, "You (media) are not only making people fight each other for your own gains, you are also misleading public perception.
"The complaints are in the form of allegations at the moment. What are you telling people? Are you the court? You are not. The court will decide. Let the court decide," Gopi said.
Later the same day, when reporters again tried to get his reaction over BJP state chief K Surendran saying the party's stand is to seek Mukesh's resignation, the actor was seen, in visuals aired by TV channels angrily pushing away some of them, According to the videos, some of the reporters approached Gopi as he was trying to get into his official vehicle and he pushed them away saying, "What is this? My way is my right. Please." Thereafter, he got inside the car and left without answering any of the reporters' questions.