On Friday, Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar extended warm greetings to the nation on the occasion of the inaugural National Space Day. In his message posted on social media, he expressed his enthusiasm and congratulations, marking the significance of this day in India’s space journey.
Dhankhar’s message highlighted the impressive strides India has made in space exploration, noting that the celebration is a testament to the country’s growing capabilities and self-reliance.
He commended the dedication of Indian scientists and emphasised that their efforts reflect what can be achieved through determination and commitment. His words celebrated the achievements in the space sector, which have propelled India to new heights.
India's first National Space Day, themed “Touching Lives While Touching the Moon: India’s Space Saga,” commemorates the historic landing of Chandrayaan-3 on the moon.
On August 23, 2023, India achieved a landmark feat by becoming the fourth country to land on the moon and the first to reach the lunar South Pole. This achievement was a significant milestone, highlighting India’s growing prowess in space exploration.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi also extended his greetings on this special day. He reflected on the nation's pride in its space achievements and acknowledged the contributions of Indian space scientists. Modi reiterated the government’s commitment to advancing space science and technology and outlined plans for further progress in this sector.
President Droupadi Murmu joined the celebrations by visiting an exhibition at Bharat Mandapam, showcasing India’s advancements in space technology. She praised the decision to observe National Space Day on the anniversary of Chandrayaan’s successful landing. Murmu conveyed her pride in India's accomplishments and celebrated ISRO’s numerous achievements over the years.
The first National Space Day serves as a reminder of India’s remarkable achievements and a celebration of the country’s continued progress in space exploration. It highlights the contributions of Indian scientists and aims to inspire future generations to pursue careers in space science and technology.