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China downplays rising frictions with neighbours; Talks BRI momentum and booming trade

Officials emphasised the momentum gained by initiatives like the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and highlighted booming trade with regional countries.

- Beijing - UPDATED: March 4, 2024, 05:25 PM - 2 min read

China's belt and road initiative.

China downplays rising frictions with neighbours; Talks BRI momentum and booming trade

China's belt and road initiative.

On Monday, China attempted to downplay escalating tensions with its Asian neighbors, addressing concerns over the South China Sea dispute and the Ladakh border issue with India.


Officials emphasised the momentum gained by initiatives like the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and highlighted booming trade with regional countries.


Lou Qinjian, spokesperson for China’s parliament, the National People's Congress (NPC), addressing mediapersons on China’s strained relations with neighbouring nations and criticism regarding its handling of the South China Sea dispute.


Lou stressed on China's commitment to safeguarding its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights in the South China Sea while advocating for dialogue and consultation to maintain peace and tranquillity in the region.


“You mentioned the South China Sea. Let me stress that China will continue to safeguard its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests. At the same time, we will properly handle relevant issues with relevant countries through dialogue and consultation and jointly safeguard peace and tranquillity in the South China Sea”.

Though not directly addressing the Ladakh border standoff with India, Lou reiterated China's opposition to bloc confrontation and highlighted the openness and inclusivity of its cooperation with neighbouring countries.

Lou also spoke about China’s tensions with neighbouring countries without directly mentioning the eastern Ladakh border standoff with India since May 2020 which resulted in the Galwan Valley clash in June of that year.

Lou said, “China is opposed to bloc confrontation, small circles”, Beijing’s oblique references to the Quad alliance consisting of the US, India, Japan and Australia.


Highlighting the achievements of the BRI, Lou stated that many regional countries have joined the initiative, leading to significant socio-economic developments. 


However, concerns have been raised about leaders in certain countries allegedly misusing funds allocated for BRI projects, resulting in massive debts owed to China.

Lou also avoided direct comments on the potential impact of a re-election of former US President Donald Trump, stating that it is an internal matter for the United States. However, he expressed hope for a stable and sustainable China-US relationship, irrespective of the US leadership.

The remarks come ahead of the annual session of the NPC, where Premier Li Qiang is expected to present the government’s work report and budget, including the defence budget, for endorsement. The session occurs amidst concerns over China's slowing economy, with Li anticipated to announce measures to stimulate growth.

The Parliament session is taking place amid declining business sentiment in China as the government’s efforts to reverse the slowdown of the second-largest economy have not fructified.

Li was expected to announce more steps to revive the economy in his work report.

Li succeeded popular Premier Li Keqiang who died months after his retirement last year. 



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