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Houthi's pledge support for Hezbollah against Israel

Yemen’s Houthi group has pledged its support to Hezbollah, the Lebanese armed group, as the conflict with Israel intensifies. The Houthis, known for their control over northern Yemen, have expressed their solidarity with Hezbollah, reaffirming their commitment to stand by Lebanon during these challenging times.

News Arena Network - Sanaa - UPDATED: September 24, 2024, 11:03 PM - 2 min read

Yemen's Houthis Pledge Continued Support For Lebanon's Hezbollah.

Houthi's pledge support for Hezbollah against Israel

Yemen's Houthis Pledge Continued Support For Lebanon's Hezbollah.

Yemen’s Houthi group has pledged its support to Hezbollah, the Lebanese armed group, as the conflict with Israel intensifies. The Houthis, known for their control over northern Yemen, have expressed their solidarity with Hezbollah, reaffirming their commitment to stand by Lebanon during these challenging times.


Mohamed Abdul-Salam, the spokesperson for the Houthis, made the group's position clear through the group's media outlet, al-Masirah TV. He condemned what he termed as Israel's "aggression" against Lebanon and expressed Yemen’s unwavering support for Hezbollah's resistance.


The Houthis, who have long maintained an alliance with other groups in the region, emphasised their backing for the Islamic resistance, calling it a crucial step against the hostilities from Israel.


In addition to expressing support for Lebanon, Abdul-Salam urged broader involvement from other countries in the region. He implored Arab and Islamic nations to break their silence and take a firmer stance in condemning Israel's actions.


His statement was not just about solidarity; it was a call for regional unity in the face of the escalating violence in Lebanon. The Houthis, like many other groups in the Middle East, see the conflict as part of a larger regional struggle, and they believe it’s time for the rest of the region to take a more active role.


The Houthis' Defence Minister, Mohammed Nasser al-Atifi, also reiterated their stance in a televised address. He stressed that the group’s attacks on Israel would continue until there is an end to the violence in Gaza.


His declaration highlighted the Houthis' broader commitment to the Palestinian cause. The group has been vocal in its opposition to Israel, aligning itself with other groups that resist Israeli policies in the region.


Since November 2023, the Houthis have been involved in attacks on international shipping near Yemen’s coastlines. These actions, which they have carried out under the banner of supporting Palestinians, have drawn global attention.


The group claims that their attacks are a form of protest against the violence in Gaza, and they have vowed to continue until the situation improves. This maritime offensive has been a notable part of the broader regional tensions that continue to simmer.


The conflict between Hezbollah and Israel has drawn attention across the Middle East. For many groups like the Houthis, the struggle represents more than just a local conflict. It is tied to the broader political and ideological battles that have defined the region for decades.


The Houthis see their actions as part of this wider movement, aimed at opposing Israeli policies and supporting what they view as just causes, like the Palestinian struggle.


Hezbollah, on the other hand, has been locked in intense battles with Israeli forces. The group, which holds significant political and military power in Lebanon, has been a key player in the region for years.


The ongoing clashes between Hezbollah and Israel have only added to the existing tensions in the Middle East, particularly as other groups like the Houthis begin to pledge their support.


The Houthis' support for Hezbollah comes at a critical time, as the region grapples with multiple crises. The conflict in Gaza, where Palestinians are facing significant challenges, is a focal point for many groups.


The Houthis have made it clear that their involvement in the conflict is motivated by their solidarity with the Palestinian cause and their opposition to Israeli actions.


This move by the Houthis is likely to further complicate the situation in the region. As they continue their maritime attacks and express their commitment to the Palestinian cause, international actors are watching closely. The involvement of various groups, each with their own agendas and motivations, makes the path to peace and stability in the Middle East increasingly complex.


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