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UN allocates $10M in emergency aid for Lebanon’s crisis

The acting UN relief chief has allocated $10 million in emergency funding for the humanitarian crisis in Lebanon, which local UN officials have described as catastrophic amid ongoing Israeli airstrikes impacting civilians and infrastructure for the fifth consecutive day.

News Arena Network - New York - UPDATED: September 28, 2024, 05:31 PM - 2 min read

UN releases $10 million in emergency aid for Lebanon’s crisis

UN allocates $10M in emergency aid for Lebanon’s crisis

UN Acting Emergency Relief Coordinator Joyce Msuya allocated $10 million from the world body's Central Emergency Response Fund.

The acting UN relief chief has allocated $10 million in emergency funding to address the humanitarian crisis in Lebanon, which local officials have described as catastrophic. 


On Friday, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reported ongoing Israeli airstrikes affecting civilians and infrastructure, marking the fifth consecutive day of military escalation.


Imran Riza, the UN's humanitarian coordinator in Lebanon, labelled the destruction as catastrophic, noting that the surge in violence has spread to previously unaffected areas, resulting in widespread devastation.


"We are witnessing the deadliest period in Lebanon in a generation, and many express their fear that this is just the beginning," Riza stated.


In less than a week, at least 700 lives have been lost, thousands have been injured, and nearly 120,000 people have been displaced, with these figures expected to rise. Since the onset of conflict on October 7, 2023, more than 1,500 civilians have been killed, and over 200,000 have fled their homes.


OCHA reported that the United Nations and its partners are coordinating closely with the Lebanese government to support response efforts, delivering essential supplies such as food, mattresses, hygiene kits, and emergency medical supplies. However, Riza warned of critical funding gaps in areas such as shelter repair, food, fuel, and coordination.


Humanitarian organisations are currently assessing the funding required to address the growing needs of displaced individuals.


The allocation from UN Acting Emergency Relief Coordinator Joyce Msuya comes from the Central Emergency Response Fund and adds to the $10 million released from the Lebanon Humanitarian Fund earlier in the week.


In Gaza, OCHA highlighted that displaced people are living in abysmal conditions, which are likely to worsen with the impending cold and rainy winter weather. Recent assessments conducted by the UN and humanitarian partners revealed dire living conditions in shelters.


The first site assessed was a school repurposed as a shelter in the Al Bureij refugee camp in Deir al Balah, hosting over 3,500 people. OCHA reported that individuals were crammed into classrooms and tents, with an average of 80 to 100 people per classroom. Access to clean water and healthcare is severely limited, with most residents receiving only one meal per day.


The second site, a makeshift camp in Abasan, eastern Khan Younis, is home to 2,500 individuals, including nearly 1,000 school-aged children.


 OCHA noted that this site is located in a flood-prone area adjacent to a garbage dump, with no medical facilities or consistent food support.


OCHA also reported significant constraints on humanitarian aid movements in Gaza, stating that nearly 90% of coordinated movements between northern and southern Gaza in September have been denied or impeded.


In the West Bank, the number of movement obstacles imposed by Israeli forces has increased by more than 20% since June 2023. OCHA noted that these restrictions have severely disrupted access to livelihoods and services for thousands of Palestinians, exacerbating already difficult living conditions.


The World Health Organization (WHO) reported 527 attacks on healthcare facilities in the region between October 7 and July 30, affecting 54 health facilities, including 20 mobile clinics and 365 ambulances. OCHA stressed that these incidents hinder access to healthcare and jeopardise the safety of medical personnel and patients.


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