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UN extends interim force mandate for Lebanon to 2025

On Wednesday, the United Nations Security Council unanimously extended the mandate of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) until August 31, 2025. This decision highlights the international community's commitment to achieving a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace in the Middle East.

News Arena Network - Geneva - UPDATED: August 29, 2024, 05:06 PM - 2 min read

UNIFIL's Role in Lebanon Extended, Calls For De-Escalation Intensify. File Photo.

UN extends interim force mandate for Lebanon to 2025

UNIFIL's Role in Lebanon Extended, Calls For De-Escalation Intensify. File Photo.

On Wednesday, the United Nations Security Council unanimously extended the mandate of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) until August 31, 2025. This decision highlights the international community's commitment to achieving a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace in the Middle East.


The extension was formalised through resolution 2749 (2024), which underscores the need for all parties involved to adhere to the full implementation of resolution 1701 (2006). This resolution is crucial for maintaining peace and stability along the Blue Line, the border area between Israel and Lebanon.


In the resolution, the Security Council emphasised the importance of immediate actions towards de-escalation. It called on all relevant actors to take measures aimed at restoring calm and stability in the region.


Furthermore, the Council urged UN Secretary-General António Guterres to ensure that UNIFIL remains flexible and ready to adapt its activities as needed to support these de-escalation efforts. The Secretary-General will also be required to report on the implementation of resolution 1701 every four months.


During the discussion preceding the vote, France's representative highlighted the ongoing tensions along the Blue Line and the significant risk of open conflict. France advocated for a 12-month renewal of UNIFIL’s mandate, emphasising the need for the Force to remain active and vigilant.


The representative of the United States addressed the recent escalation, noting that Hezbollah had intensified its bombardment of northern Israel on October 8, 2023.


The U.S. official expressed disappointment that some Council members had blocked efforts to condemn Hizbullah’s actions, which have been destabilising the region for nearly a year. The representative stressed that Lebanon should not be a refuge for terrorist organisations or a base for attacks against Israel.


The U.S. also highlighted Iran’s role in supplying Hezbollah with advanced weaponry, a concern echoed by the United Kingdom. Extending UNIFIL's mandate, they argued, is a vital step towards supporting regional de-escalation and ensuring stability.


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