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US calls for impartial probe into Pak poll violations, stresses respect for democratic values

US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller indicated that the United States was open to examining alternative options, with some US politicians pressing the Biden administration to not acknowledge the results of the February 8 elections until the suggested probe.

- Washington D.C. - UPDATED: February 13, 2024, 04:40 PM - 2 min read

US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller.

US calls for impartial probe into Pak poll violations, stresses respect for democratic values

US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller. File Photo.

The United States on Monday urged that Pakistan should conduct an impartial inquiry into allegations of election violations using its legal system.


In response to a question on the call for an independent probe, US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said, "I'm not sure what body they're proposing to conduct an independent investigation." 


He added, "Right now, it's a matter of first course, the legal system plays itself out in Pakistan, that's the appropriate first step to take, and we think that's the step that should be taken."


Miller indicated that the United States was open to examining alternative options, with some US politicians pressing the Biden administration to not acknowledge the results of the February 8 elections until the suggested probe.


Miller said that the United States was open to exploring other possibilities, with some US politicians pressing the Biden administration not to acknowledge the results of the February 8 elections until the proposed investigation was finished.


 "If there are additional steps that ought to be entertained, we are happy to look into that," Miller said in a statement. 


"Certainly, we wish to see the freedom of assembly honoured all over the world," the statement added.


Miller praised Pakistani poll workers, civic society, media, and election observers on their efforts to preserve and uphold democratic and electoral institutions.


In response to a query on the US reaction to rigging charges, he stated, "We did express concerns publicly, but we also expressed those concerns privately, and we joined the EU, the UK, and other countries in doing so with some irregularities that we saw in the process."


US Congressman Dan Kildee in his post on X said, “Millions of Pakistanis showed up at the polls to make their voices heard. Any violence, undue restrictions on voting, or alleged vote tampering must be fully investigated. I condemn any attempt to undermine Pakistan's democratic process or suppress the will of the people.”


Miller further claimed that the US has also communicated to Pakistan the need to respect the election results.


"We emphasise that we want to see the rule of law, respect for the constitution, free press, and vibrant civil society respected in the run-up to the elections. We continue to believe that is the case," Miller said, emphasising Washington's commitment to democracy and freedom.


The US official also admitted that limitations on internet and cell phone access during the election harmed the process.


"We condemn political and violence associated with elections and restrictions on internet and cell phone service; those have adversely affected the electoral service," he said.


"The claims of influence and fraud that we have seen are not good for the democratic values and institutions around the world. We want to ensure that they are thoroughly investigated by Pakistan's legal system," added Miller.


The US, he added, "continues to monitor the process, delays, and the speculations of rigging in the days ahead."


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