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Can olive oil prevent hangovers? Here's the truth

The quest for hangover remedies has been ongoing for as long as alcohol has existed. While numerous cures and treatments are available, there is a lack of scientific evidence supporting their effectiveness.

News Arena Network - New Delhi - UPDATED: July 19, 2024, 04:01 PM - 2 min read

Can olive oil prevent hangovers? Here's the truth

Can olive oil prevent hangovers? Here's the truth

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The quest for hangover remedies has been ongoing for as long as alcohol has existed. While numerous cures and treatments are available, there is a lack of scientific evidence supporting their effectiveness.


In recent times, the concept of consuming a shot of olive oil before drinking alcohol to prevent hangovers has gained attention. This concept popularised by TikTok trends proposes that olive oil can create a coating in the stomach and slow down alcohol absorption, thus reducing the symptoms of hangovers.


Despite its appeal, scientific evidence does not support this assertion and should be approached with scepticism. The idea behind the olive oil method is that its high-fat content can form a lining on the stomach, slowing down the pace at which alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream. This slower absorption is supposed to alleviate the severity of hangovers.


While it is true that fatty foods can delay alcohol absorption to some extent, the effectiveness of this approach is questionable. Alcohol absorption primarily occurs in the small intestine, with only about 20% being absorbed in the stomach. This means that even if olive oil slows down the initial absorption in the stomach, most alcohol will still be absorbed later in the digestive process.

Healthy and nutritious food is considered the best to treat hangovers.


Additionally, the body's metabolism, which involves the liver chemically altering alcohol using its own protein machinery, is the main cause of hangover symptoms such as dehydration, headaches, and nausea. Olive oil does not disrupt this metabolic process in a way that would impact hangover outcomes.


A comprehensive strategy to prevent hangovers involves various factors, including hydration, nutrition, and moderate alcohol consumption. While olive oil may contribute to slightly slowing alcohol absorption, it is far from being a complete solution.


There are more effective methods. Rather than relying on olive oil, there are several established approaches to preventing or alleviating hangovers:


Hydration: Dehydration is a significant factor in hangover symptoms. Drinking water before, during, and after consuming alcohol can help maintain hydration levels and reduce the severity of hangovers.


Nutrition: Consuming a nutritious meal before drinking can slow alcohol absorption more effectively than taking a shot of olive oil. Foods rich in protein, fats, and complex carbohydrates can offer a more balanced approach to mitigating alcohol's effects.


Moderation: The most effective way to prevent a hangover is to drink in moderation. Setting limits and pacing alcohol intake can significantly reduce the risk of hangovers.


Replenishing nutrients: After drinking, consuming foods and beverages that replenish lost electrolytes and provide essential nutrients can aid in the body's recovery. This includes options such as sports drinks, fruits, and vegetables.


It is important to note that some individuals may claim that the olive oil method works for them. However, these individual testimonies can often be influenced by the placebo effect. Believing in the effectiveness of a remedy can sometimes lead to perceived improvements, even if the remedy itself is not scientifically proven to be effective.


Hence, while the idea of consuming a shot of olive oil before drinking alcohol to prevent hangovers may seem like a simple solution, it lacks strong scientific support.



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