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Is plastic food packaging bad for your health?

Research has demonstrated that certain chemicals present in plastic can migrate from the material into the food and beverages it comes into contact with.

News Arena Network - New Delhi - UPDATED: June 25, 2024, 10:00 PM - 3 mins read

Is plastic food packaging bad for your health?

Is plastic food packaging bad for your health?

Storing food in plastic containers is a widespread practice, but it can lead to the migration of chemicals from the plastic into the food. - Representational Image

Plastic has become an omnipresent material in our daily lives. It is commonly used to produce bowls, wraps, bottles, and bags that contain and store food and drinks. However, there is a growing concern about the potential health risks associated with exposure to plastic.


Research has demonstrated that certain chemicals present in plastic can migrate from the material into the food and beverages it comes into contact with. Some of these chemicals have been associated with adverse health effects, including metabolic disorders such as obesity and reduced fertility.


The process of chemical migration from plastic to food, called "leaching," is accelerated when the plastic is exposed to heat. Microwaving food in plastic containers can lead to a higher transfer of potentially harmful chemicals into the food, posing a greater risk to our health.


Popular health expert Luke Coutinho recently expressed his concerns about Zomato and Swiggy's use of plastic containers for hot food. Coutinho emphasized the health hazards and urged the restaurants affiliated with the food delivery services to switch to biodegradable, non-plastic alternatives for the sake of “better health and a better earth.”


The nutritionist shared a note on Instagram that read, “Swiggy, Zomato, Restaurants…. Please work with your partners to ensure food deliveries happen in bio degradable non plastic containers…many restaurants do this already, please make it uniform…deliver food and health…hot food in plastic is making people sicker…you’ll have the power to help make a change.”


Sharing the note, he wrote, “people want their food on time …so restaurants will cook your order on high heat and flame , destroying most ingredients , using more refined oil as a medium for fast cooking …from pan / vessel straight into a plastic container which is immediately covered with the cover retaining immense heat and steam.”


“This heat as we know starts to break down the plastic into dangerous bpa and other toxins that wreck havoc with the human body and hormones , fertility , estrogens etc ..we need to move to biodegradable non plastic asap for better health and a better earth …. @swiggyindia @zomato @fssai_safefood you’ll have the power to make this change and be part of a healthier india respectfully request you’ll @swiggyindia @zomato and @fssai_safefood @fssai_group_of_india to work this out,” he added.


Polyethylene terephthalate (PETE) is a commonly used type of plastic for making containers. It is generally deemed safe for single-use applications but should not be reused or exposed to high heat.


Storing food in plastic containers is a widespread practice, but it can lead to the migration of chemicals from the plastic into the food. This is especially concerning when dealing with hot, oily, or acidic foods, as these can accelerate the leaching process.


To avoid these potential risks, it's advisable to consider alternative food storage options such as glass, stainless steel, silicone, beeswax, or bamboo containers. These materials are non-toxic and safer for storing food.

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