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Why are women choosing to have fewer babies in wealthy countries

Despite highly valuing children and our roles as parents, why are women having so few babies? And, importantly, why should we care? How much fertility is good for a country?

- Melbourne - UPDATED: May 11, 2024, 11:30 AM - 2 min read

Why are women choosing to have fewer babies in wealthy countries

Why are women choosing to have fewer babies in wealthy countries

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A recent report from the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention shows that US fertility rates dropped 2 per cent in 2023. With the exception of a temporary increase at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the US fertility rate has been falling steadily since 1971.


Australia exhibits a similar pattern. Fertility has declined since 2007 despite government attempts to invest in a “baby bonus” to encourage Australian women to have more children.


From a global perspective, we can see similar patterns across other industrial nations: Japan, South Korea and Italy have some of the lowest global fertility rates.


So, what is going on here? Despite highly valuing children and our roles as parents, why are women having so few babies? And, importantly, why should we care? How much fertility is good for a country? On my recently launched podcast, MissPerceived, I discuss why fertility rates rule the world. For a population to maintain its current size – that is, neither shrink nor grow – the total fertility rate must be above 2.1 births per woman.


This is because we need to have enough babies to replace both parents after they die – one baby to replace the mother and one to replace the father, and a little extra to account for infant mortality.


In short, if we want a population to grow, we need women to have more than two children. This was exactly what happened in many Western nations, such as Australia, the UK, and the US, following the Second World War. Women had more than 2.1 births, which resulted in a baby boom. Many families grew to three or more children.


This type of population structure, replacement or some growth, is critical to creating a healthy working-age population to support the young and old.


But, in many countries, the fertility rate is less than the replacement level, which means the population is shrinking. In the US and Australia, the current fertility rate is 1.6. In the UK it is 1.4. In South Korea, it is 0.68.


So, these countries are shrinking, and in the case of South Korea, shrinking quickly. What this means is that more people are dying in these countries than being born. As a result, the population is getting older, poorer and more dependent on others for their care.


This is a problem for a country like South Korea or Italy in the present. And in Australia, it will be a problem in the near future. Someone will have to care for the ageing population. The question of who and how will be of increasing policy importance.


Why is fertility declining? So, why aren’t women having more babies? There are a few answers: 1. Women are better educated now than ever. Women’s education has been rising steadily for decades, with Australian women now better educated than men. Australia has some of the most educated women in the world.


Education delays fertility for multiple reasons. First, it pushes out the age of first birth since women spend longer in school. Second, it gives women more resources they want to trade on the market after finishing a degree.


Simply, women are often not having babies in their teens and early 20s because they are pursuing education and launching careers.


2. Young people are being delayed in, well, everything. It is much harder for young people to achieve the traditional markers of adulthood – stable jobs and buying a first home. Often, these factors are identified as critical to having a first child. So, many young people are delaying fertility due to economic and housing insecurity.


Further, we now have safe and effective contraception, which means sex outside of marriage is feasible, and sex without procreation can be almost guaranteed. All of this means parenthood is delayed. Women are having babies later, and fewer of them.


3. Children are expensive and time-consuming. In many industrialised nations, the cost of children is astronomical. Average childcare costs in Australia have outpaced inflation. School tuitions, even for public schools, absorb a significant portion of parents’ budgets.


If you multiply this by more children, the costs go up. Intensive parenting norms, which guide how many people parent, emphasise significant time investments in one-on-one children. Simply, we spend more time interacting with our children intensely than previous generations.


This is on top of the greater time spent in paid employment. So, according to current social norms, to do parenting “right” means to be deeply invested in our children in terms of time, energy, and resources, including money.


4. Workplaces and policies are slow to adapt to supporting caregiving. Our workplaces still expect significant face-to-face time at work and long hours. Although the pandemic ushered in more remote work, many workplaces are rolling back this provision and mandating people return to work in some capacity. This is despite Australians highly valuing access to remote and flexible work, in part because they spend less time commuting and report significantly higher levels of burnout.


A nuanced approach is needed. Because the reasons behind declining fertility are not simple, the solutions can’t be simple either. Offering baby bonuses, as Australia and other nations have done, is pretty ineffective because it doesn’t address the complexity of these interlocking issues.


If we are serious about supporting care, we need better career and housing pathways for young people, more investment in child and aged care infrastructure, technological innovations to support an ageing population, and workplaces designed with care at the core. This will create a culture of care that supports mothers, fathers, children, and families alike. 


This article first appeared in The Conversation


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