The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has firmly rejected calls to classify the recent landslides in Wayanad as a national disaster. The party's stance, articulated by senior leader V. Muraleedharan, is based on the assertion that such a designation does not exist within the current central government guidelines.
Muraleedharan took to Facebook to share a document from 2013, which he claims confirms that the central government, during the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) era, had no provision for declaring a natural disaster as a national disaster. The document, which includes a statement from then Minister of State for Home, Mullappally Ramachandran, affirms that the concept of a 'national disaster' was not part of the official guidelines.
According to Muraleedharan, the declaration of a disaster as a national one is not supported by any formal policy. He urged against creating unnecessary controversies and emphasised that each disaster is managed based on its severity and impact. The central government, he assured, would provide all necessary support to the affected state governments to address the situation.
This response from the BJP comes in the wake of demands from various quarters, including prominent political figures. Rahul Gandhi, the Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha, visited Wayanad following the devastating landslides on July 30. Gandhi described the situation as a "national disaster," emphasising the unprecedented nature of the tragedy in the state’s history.
During his visit, Gandhi stressed the urgency of a comprehensive response to the disaster. He called for an immediate and thorough action plan to address the crisis. In his comments, Gandhi highlighted the scale of the disaster, which he believes warrants a heightened level of intervention and support.
Gandhi's visit to Wayanad was marked by a strong appeal for recognition of the disaster's gravity. "To me, this is a national disaster for sure, but let's see what the government says," he remarked to reporters, underscoring the need for a significant response to the calamity.
The landslides in Wayanad have had a severe impact, causing extensive damage and prompting calls for increased government intervention. Despite the BJP's position, the discussion around the disaster continues, reflecting differing views on how to address and manage such significant events.
As the situation evolves, the focus remains on providing support and relief to the affected communities while navigating the differing perspectives on the appropriate level of disaster response.