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Delhi's AQI dips to 'Poor' category, GRAP sub-committee urges measures

The air quality in Delhi plummeted to the 'Poor' category, prompting swift action from the GRAP sub-committee to address the issue of rising pollution levels. With an overall Air Quality Index (AQI) of 243, the situation demands urgent attention.

News Arena Network - New Delhi - UPDATED: May 15, 2024, 10:41 PM - 2 min read

Delhi's Poor Air Quality Sparks Urgent Intervention from GRAP Sub-committee.

Delhi's AQI dips to 'Poor' category, GRAP sub-committee urges measures

Delhi's Poor Air Quality Sparks Urgent Intervention from GRAP Sub-committee.

The air quality in Delhi plummeted to the 'Poor' category, prompting swift action from the GRAP sub-committee to address the issue of rising pollution levels. With an overall Air Quality Index (AQI) of 243, the situation demands urgent attention.


The committee convened to assess the deteriorating air quality and recommended immediate measures to combat dust pollution.


Factors such as changing wind patterns, dry weather conditions, and high temperatures have contributed to the persistent suspension of dust particles in the National Capital Region (NCR).


Additionally, increased instances of agricultural residue burning and forest fires in neighbouring states are exacerbating the air quality crisis.


In response, the GRAP sub-committee has directed pollution control boards and relevant stakeholders to conduct intensive drives at pollution hotspots. Special focus will be given to implementing dust abatement measures and closely monitoring their effectiveness.


Moreover, steps will be taken to enhance water sprinkling and mechanical road sweeping activities across the region.


Efforts will also be made to curb instances of open burning of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) and enforce dust control measures at construction and demolition sites. Flying squads will be deployed to inspect and take action against projects violating environmental regulations.


The committee emphasises the importance of collaborative efforts among all concerned agencies to improve Delhi's AQI in the coming days. Regular monitoring and review of the air quality situation will be conducted to ensure timely intervention and mitigation measures.


As Delhi grapples with deteriorating air quality, concerted action and strict enforcement of pollution control measures are essential to safeguard public health and mitigate environmental degradation.


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