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Gujarat sets renewable energy benchmark for India

Gujarat is at the forefront of India’s renewable energy revolution, positioning itself as a leader in the quest for a greener future. With a keen focus on solar power, the state is making significant strides toward helping the nation achieve its ambitious goal of 500 gigawatts of renewable energy capacity by 2030.

News Arena Network - Gandhinagar - UPDATED: September 21, 2024, 02:12 PM - 2 min read

Gujarat Leads India in Residential Solar Rooftops.

Gujarat sets renewable energy benchmark for India

Gujarat Leads India in Residential Solar Rooftops.

Gujarat is at the forefront of India’s renewable energy revolution, positioning itself as a leader in the quest for a greener future. With a keen focus on solar power, the state is making significant strides toward helping the nation achieve its ambitious goal of 500 gigawatts of renewable energy capacity by 2030.


The extensive solar initiatives in Gujarat are not just benchmarks but also inspiring examples for other states across the country. From solar panels on rooftops of homes and government buildings to expansive solar parks, Gujarat is harnessing its geographical advantages to maximise solar energy production.


According to Jai Prakash Shivahare, Managing Director of Gujarat Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd., the state boasts an installed capacity of over 28 gigawatts in renewable energy. Out of this, approximately 14.5 gigawatts comes from solar power.


He highlights that Gujarat leads the country in solar rooftop installations, contributing over half of the national capacity. The supportive framework from local electricity distribution companies has fostered a thriving residential solar market.


Under the Renewable Energy Policy of 2023, Gujarat aims to install an impressive 100 gigawatts of renewable energy by 2030, aligning closely with the Prime Minister’s vision.


One of the crowning achievements in Gujarat’s renewable energy landscape is the Charanka Solar Park, located in the Patan district. Spanning more than 5,000 acres, this park has a capacity exceeding 600 megawatts.


It has transformed a previously barren landscape into a powerhouse of solar energy production, demonstrating the potential of public-private partnerships in the renewable sector. Charanka not only generates power but also creates job opportunities for locals, significantly benefiting the community.


Dhruv Patel, a worker at Charanka Solar Park, shared his thoughts on the project’s impact. He remarked that Charanka is known as Asia’s number one solar plant, and it has provided employment opportunities to many.


The barren land has been revitalised through solar development, and the energy produced is now distributed to nearby villages and connected to the wider electricity grid.


Gujarat is also exploring hybrid renewable energy projects, integrating solar and wind power to improve reliability and efficiency. The state’s Integrated Renewable Energy Policy of 2023 establishes a solid framework for investors, offering land allotment policies and guaranteed connectivity to facilitate renewable energy initiatives.


Shivahare emphasised that the Renewable Energy Policy includes offshore wind and other emerging technologies. This forward-thinking approach, along with the off-ticker guarantees provided by utilities like GUVNL, helps ensure the viability of renewable energy projects, making it easier for developers to secure financing. This comprehensive ecosystem is key to Gujarat’s leadership in the renewable energy sector.


During the recent Global Renewable Energy Investors Meet and Expo in Gandhinagar, Prime Minister Narendra Modi acknowledged Gujarat’s pioneering role in renewable energy.


He also met with beneficiaries of the PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojana, which has encouraged many residents to invest in rooftop solar systems as a sustainable and economically viable option.


Gujarat's achievements in renewable energy serve as a model for other states in India. As the country strives to meet its ambitious renewable energy targets, Gujarat's initiatives illustrate how state-level action can significantly contribute to sustainable development and a greener future.


The collaborative efforts of the government, local communities, and the private sector are vital in driving forward this renewable energy agenda, ensuring that Gujarat continues to lead the way in India’s clean energy transition.


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