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J&K to be tourism, wedding destination: LG Sinha

Speaking at the two-day Jammu and Kashmir Tourism Development Conclave-2024 at Sher-i-Kashmir Conference Centre by Dal Lake, Sinha highlighted government efforts to develop a sustainable tourism model to make J&K a leading global tourist destination.

News Arena Network - Srinagar - UPDATED: June 27, 2024, 08:57 AM - 3 mins read

Speaking at the two-day Jammu and Kashmir Tourism Development Conclave-2024 at Sher-i-Kashmir Conference Centre by Dal Lake, Sinha highlighted government efforts to develop a sustainable tourism model to make J&K a leading global tourist destination.

J&K to be tourism, wedding destination: LG Sinha

Urging stakeholders to promote tourism, J&K Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha highlighted J&K's potential as a wedding destination, given India's $130 million wedding industry. (PTI/Files).

There has been a 300 per cent annual increase in foreign tourist visits to Jammu and Kashmir this year, Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha has said.


Speaking at the two-day Jammu and Kashmir Tourism Development Conclave-2024 at Sher-i-Kashmir Conference Centre by Dal Lake, Sinha highlighted government efforts to develop a sustainable tourism model to make J&K a leading global tourist destination.


“We have witnessed unprecedented growth post-COVID, with a 300 per cent year-over-year increase in foreign tourists.


Efforts were focused on new policies, a conducive environment, and stimulus for the tourism industry,” Sinha said.


Present at the event Bollywood actor Sanjay Suri highlighted the need for infrastructure and support to develop Kashmir as a film destination.


"Kashmir has always been on everyone's wishlist. Infrastructure and support are crucial for more producers to shoot films here," Suri said.


Deputy Director of Tourism Kashmir, Deebah Khalid, said experts from various professions were invited to the conclave to develop Kashmir as a sustainable tourism destination.


Khalid also underlined the need to promote Kashmir as a leading wedding destination and an all-season tourist spot.


It was Prime Minister Modi who, during a visit to J&K in March repeated his slogan of “Wed in India,” saying he was keen to see lavish weddings in Kashmir and for people to “spend lavishly to promote Kashmir’s tourism and help the local population.” 


Urging stakeholders to promote tourism, Sinha highlighted J&K's potential as a wedding destination, given India's $130 million wedding industry.


He added that recent successes, improvements in the security situation, a peaceful environment, and seeing people working and earning a livelihood from tourism were encouraging signs for the administration.


During the event, Sinha said J&K has the potential of not only attracting tourists but also filmmakers. He urged filmmakers to start considering J&K over foreign locations and begin shooting here.


G-20 Sherpa Amitabh Kant expressed optimism about Kashmir becoming a focal point for the film industry. "Filmmakers will come and shoot films in Kashmir, which is integral to all Indian stories," he said.


Regarding “conflict properties,” Sinha said these need to be identified, stressing that innocents will not be affected, but those destabilising peace will be held accountable.



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