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NESO presses Amit Shah to prevent illegal Bangladeshi entry

The North East Students’ Organisation (NESO) has issued a strong appeal to Union Home Minister Amit Shah, urging him to take decisive action to prevent illegal migration from Bangladesh into the North Eastern states of India.

News Arena Network - New Delhi - UPDATED: August 8, 2024, 05:22 PM - 2 min read

NESO Appeals to HM Amit Shah Block Asylum for Bangladeshis in North East.

NESO presses Amit Shah to prevent illegal Bangladeshi entry

NESO Appeals to HM Amit Shah Block Asylum for Bangladeshis in North East.

The North East Students’ Organisation (NESO) has issued a strong appeal to Union Home Minister Amit Shah, urging him to take decisive action to prevent illegal migration from Bangladesh into the North Eastern states of India.


In their letter, NESO emphasised the need for stringent measures to ensure that no Bangladeshi national enters the North East illegally or is granted asylum or rehabilitation.


NESO, which represents eight student bodies across the seven North Eastern states, highlighted the ongoing unrest in Bangladesh and its potential impact on India.


The student organisation expressed concern over the possibility of an exodus from Bangladesh due to the civil unrest, which could lead to increased illegal migration into the North East region.


The letter to Shah detailed historical context, referencing past incidents where civil unrest in Bangladesh led to significant illegal immigration into India. NESO noted that during the 1947 partition and the Bangladesh Liberation War of 1971, large numbers of Bengalis and East Pakistanis crossed into India, including the North East. This influx has caused demographic shifts and tensions in the region, they claimed.


The NESO letter described how illegal migration has led to land grabbing, cultural assimilation issues, economic competition, and distrust between indigenous communities and migrants.


It highlighted the drastic changes in demographics, particularly in states like Tripura, Assam, and Meghalaya, where indigenous populations have been significantly impacted by the influx of illegal migrants.


The organisation expressed frustration over the continuous settlement of illegal migrants in North East India, leading to reduced political power for indigenous communities and increased marginalisation.


They pointed to historical movements and protests in Assam, Tripura, Meghalaya, and Arunachal Pradesh, driven by concerns over illegal migration and its effects on local communities.


NESO’s appeal calls for immediate and effective measures to be taken by the Government of India to secure the borders between North East India and Bangladesh.


They also urged that no asylum or rehabilitation be granted to Bangladeshi nationals in the region, emphasising the need for strict border control to detect and prevent illegal migration attempts.


The letter concluded with a plea for Shah’s swift intervention, asserting that such actions are crucial for the welfare and protection of the indigenous people of North East India.


NESO is keenly awaiting a positive response from the Union Home Minister to address their concerns and safeguard the interests of the region’s native populations.


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