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Searched Tag: coal public sector undertakings psu
India's coal PSUs transform 50,000 hectares into green forests

Coal PSUs turn 50,000 hectares into green forests

June 4, 2024, 06:31 AM - 3 mins read

India's coal and lignite PSUs have transformed 50,000 hectares of barren land into green forests, absorbing 2.5 million tonnes of CO2 annually, supporting India's NDC targets and combating desertification.

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India's coal Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) have once again outshone expectations by surpassing their annual capital expenditure (CAPEX) target for the fiscal year 2023-24 with an impressive growth rate of over 107%.

Coal PSU exceeds CAPEX target for FY24 with over 107% annual growth

March 9, 2024, 04:22 AM - 2 mins read

According to data released by the Ministry of Coal, the CAPEX target for the fiscal year 2023-24 was set at 21,030 Crore. However, by February 2024, coal PSUs had already exceeded this target, recording a record CAPEX of Rs. 22,448.24 Crore, equivalent to 106.74% of the annual target. This remarkable feat underscores the efficiency and robustness of India's coal sector.

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Coal Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) in India have made significant strides in meeting their capital expenditure (CAPEX) targets for the financial year 2023-24

Coal PSUs achieve 95.83% target of capital expenditure for FY24

February 21, 2024, 05:53 AM - 2 mins read

The remarkable performance of Coal CPSEs (Central Public Sector Enterprises) in surpassing CAPEX targets has been consistent in recent years. In the previous fiscal years of 2021-22 and 2022-23, entities such as Coal India Limited (CIL) and NLC India Limited (NLCIL) surpassed their respective targets by wide margins, achieving 104.88% and 123.33% in FY 21-22 and around 113% in FY 2022-23.

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