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Searched Tag: sikkim rainfall
BRO personnel rescue stranded tourists after landslides, in North Sikkim.

Sikkim completes evacuation of stranded tourists

June 19, 2024, 07:34 AM - 2 mins read

Over the last three days, a total of 1,447 stranded tourists have been successfully evacuated. On Tuesday alone, 1,225 tourists were rescued, followed by 64 on Monday.

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Experts have already cautioned on risk of another GLOF downstream of South Lhonak Lake in Sikkim.

Rain hit Sikkim takes satellite help to avert GLOF

June 14, 2024, 03:26 AM - 2 mins read

Between Wednesday and Thursday morning, Mangan district in North Sikkim experienced 220mm of rain, leading to multiple landslides that claimed at least six lives in Pakshep and Ambhithang areas, with power and communication lines disrupted.

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The Teesta River flows through the state, with Jalpaiguri district situated in its floodplain.

N Bengal floods as Sikkim releases barrage water

June 14, 2024, 02:32 AM - 3 mins read

The release of water from the barrages has resulted in rising the water level of the Teesta and because of that there is a threat of flood in areas on both sides of Teesta in Jalpaiguri district, an official of the irrigation department said.

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