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World food safety day:How tech ensures food safety

Blockchain technology offers an immutable and transparent record-keeping system that can trace the journey of food products from their origin to the consumer. By implementing blockchain, stakeholders can track every step of the food supply chain.

News Arena Network - New Delhi - UPDATED: June 7, 2024, 01:27 PM - 2 min read

June 7 marks World Food Safety Day, an annual event dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of food safety and the measures needed to ensure the food we consume is safe.

World food safety day:How tech ensures food safety

Image Source: Forbes

June 7 marks World Food Safety Day, an annual event dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of food safety and the measures needed to ensure the food we consume is safe.


As the world grapples with challenges such as climate change, population growth, and the globalization of food trade, safeguarding food safety has become more critical than ever.


Central to this effort is technology, which plays a pivotal role in monitoring, detecting, and preventing foodborne illnesses and contamination.


Technology has revolutionized the entire food production process, from farm to fork.


Various advancements have been deployed to enhance food safety practices and mitigate risks along the supply chain. Here are some ways technology is reshaping food safety:

Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology offers an immutable and transparent record-keeping system that can trace the journey of food products from their origin to the consumer. By implementing blockchain, stakeholders can track every step of the food supply chain.


This transparency makes it easier to identify the source of contamination in case of outbreaks and enables swift recalls, thus minimizing the impact on public health.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI-powered systems are increasingly being used to enhance food safety protocols.


Machine learning algorithms can analyze data from multiple sources to predict potential hazards, optimize food processing techniques, and identify microbial contamination in food samples more accurately and efficiently than traditional methods.


These advancements allow for proactive measures to prevent food safety issues before they arise.

Food Traceability Systems

Implementing robust food traceability systems is essential for ensuring accountability and transparency across the supply chain. Technologies such as RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) tags and QR codes enable seamless tracking of products.


This capability allows for the quick identification and removal of unsafe food items from the market, protecting consumers from potential health risks.

Food Safety Apps

Mobile applications are empowering consumers with information about food safety standards, product recalls, and potential hazards.


These apps allow users to scan barcodes or search databases to access detailed information about the safety and quality of food products, enabling them to make informed choices.


By providing real-time data, these apps enhance consumer confidence and promote safer food consumption practices.



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