In Chhattisgarh's Dantewada district, 35 Naxalites surrendered to authorities on Sunday, including three individuals with a combined reward of Rs 3 lakh, according to a senior police official. Among those who turned themselves in were a 16-year-old girl and an 18-year-old boy.
The surrendered cadres were reportedly involved in activities such as digging roads, felling trees to block roads, and putting up posters and banners during Naxalite-called shutdowns, the official stated.
Identified among the surrendered Naxalites were Baman Kartam (39), who held the position of Jiyakodta Panchayat Militia Platoon Commander, and Bhima Kunjam (28), the Aranpur Panchayat CNM president, as confirmed by Dantewada Superintendent of Police Gaurav Rai.
Kumme Lekam (35), a female Naxalite with a reward of Rs 1 lakh, served as the Hurrepal Panchayat Krantikari Mahila Adivasi Sangthan (KAMS) president, the official added.
These individuals were affiliated with the Bhairamgarh, Malanger, and Katekalyan area committees of the Maoists in south Bastar. Rai stated that they expressed being impressed by the police's rehabilitation initiative, "Lon Varratu" (return to your home), and disillusioned with the Maoist ideology.
According to officials, the surrendered Naxalites will receive facilities as per the government's surrender and rehabilitation policy. This brings the total number of Naxalites joining the mainstream in the district to 796, including 180 with rewards, under the Lon Varratu campaign launched by the police in June 2020.