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Bangladesh nudges India on 'fresh' Teesta, Ganges treaties

The Teesta water-sharing agreement had been on the verge of finalisation during then-Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s visit to Dhaka in 2011.

News Arena Network - Dhaka - UPDATED: September 2, 2024, 10:55 AM - 2 min read

A description of the route of the Teesta River flowing from India to Bangladesh. File photo of Bangladesh's interim government's adviser on water resources Syeda Rizwana Hasan on the right.

Bangladesh nudges India on 'fresh' Teesta, Ganges treaties

A description of the route of the Teesta River flowing from India to Bangladesh. File photo of Bangladesh's interim government's adviser on water resources Syeda Rizwana Hasan on the right.

Bangladesh's interim government has voiced its intention to reinitiate negotiations with India over the Teesta water-sharing treaty after adviser on water resources Syeda Rizwana Hasan on Sunday stressed that the issue of water distribution between upper and lower riparian countries should adhere to "international principles".


Hasan expressed optimism that "dialogue" could lead to a "resolution" of the Teesta treaty and other water-sharing agreements.


However, she hinted that Bangladesh might consider "international legal frameworks" if bilateral discussions "fail" to yield results.


“I have discussed the issue of Teesta water sharing with all relevant stakeholders (in Bangladesh). We have discussed that we need to restart the process and dialogue regarding the Teesta treaty. We also have to work on the Ganges treaty, which is coming to an end in two years,” Hasan stated.


The Teesta water-sharing agreement had been on the verge of finalisation during then-Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s visit to Dhaka in 2011.


However, it was shelved after West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee expressed concerns about water scarcity in her state, which led to the agreement not being signed.


Hasan explained, “Both sides agreed, and a draft of the Teesta water-sharing agreement was prepared, but the agreement was not signed due to the opposition of the West Bengal Chief Minister. The fact remains that we have not been able to finalise the agreement. So, we will start from that point with the draft of the agreement and urge India to come forward and restart the dialogue process.”


While Bangladesh remains committed to resolving the issue through dialogue, Hasan noted that international principles might be invoked if a settlement cannot be achieved bilaterally.


“We would try to find an amicable solution. As this is an international water issue, it also concerns other countries' consideration of legal entitlement. So, how much water is available and whether it is sufficient is unclear to us. Even if very minimal water is available, the flow must continue to Bangladesh due to international sharing norms,” she added.


The adviser maintained that adherence to international legal principles could facilitate better management of water-sharing disputes.


“Bangladesh may consider endorsing international legal principles and documents regarding water sharing. That is what I mean when I say we might engage internationally,” Hasan said.


The interim government has not yet deliberated on taking the issue to an international forum. 


Hasan stated, “I don’t think we have discussed that yet. I think the first step for Bangladesh will be to address it with India and Nepal. We haven’t discussed taking this matter to any other country at this stage.”


Reflecting on past failures to secure a Teesta deal, Hasan attributed the lack of progress to the political context in Bangladesh. “It did not work all these years because of the political context that Bangladesh had. Now that the political context of Bangladesh has changed, and some actors have changed, arguments may also shift. So, we will first try to resolve it bilaterally, and then we will consider taking it to an international level,” she remarked.


Bangladesh, which is traversed by over 200 rivers, including 54 transboundary rivers shared with India across four major basins, has only managed to conclude water-sharing agreements for eight rivers so far. Hasan questioned why more comprehensive agreements had not been reached, given the shared river systems.


In the context of Indo-Bangla relations, Hasan emphasised that the people of Bangladesh are eager to see the water-sharing treaties concluded swiftly.


“I think it is important in any relationship to demonstrate friendship. The friendship must be demonstrated. When there was a suffocating situation in Bangladesh, as people were not allowed to vote for years, there was a feeling that India favoured only one political party. With these floods in Bangladesh, the people want this water-sharing treaty to be expedited and early warning mechanisms to protect lives from floods,” she said.


Hasan also highlighted the need for improved early warning systems to address flood-related issues. “Bangladesh and India share 54 rivers. The fact remains that the two countries have been able to conclude water-sharing agreements for only eight rivers. So, the region of Bangladesh affected by flash floods is not covered by prior information agreements,” she explained.


The renowned environmentalist noted that while water-sharing agreements are complex, early warning mechanisms should be straightforward and prioritised as a humanitarian concern.


“This early warning is not that complicated. It is more of a humanitarian ground,” she said.


Hasan suggested that the current crisis provides an opportunity to address water management issues with India.


“The crisis presents Bangladesh with a chance to address the issue with India and emphasised that both nations can learn from the situation and should initiate dialogue on river water management,” she stated.


On the topic of the extradition of former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Hasan mentioned that the interim government has not yet made a decision.


However, she assured that the interim administration is committed to delivering justice for the alleged atrocities committed during Hasina’s tenure.


“The interim government hasn’t really made any decision on it. However, the interim government is committed to ensuring justice for all the atrocities committed against the people of Bangladesh (by the Sheikh Hasina regime). I am sure the person who left the country at that time will be one of the prime accused,” Hasan said.


Hasina’s departure to India following intense anti-government protests has sparked speculation in Bangladesh.


Hasan added, “In that case, if justice requires us to make any decision on her extradition, we have to sit and decide together. Once a decision is made, you will all be informed.”


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