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Searched Tag: teesta river
Bangladesh's Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi (L), PM Hasina with President of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping (R).

B'desh to weigh India, China plans on Teesta pact

June 25, 2024, 07:53 AM - 4 mins read

Hasina's remarks followed her recent visit to India, which she described as highly productive, highlighting its role in strengthening bilateral relations and exploring new avenues of cooperation.

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Explained: Why is Mamata upset over Teesta & Ganga treaty talks?

Why Teesta & Ganga treaties leave Mamata upset?

June 25, 2024, 04:29 AM - 7 mins read

West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee expressed anguish for not being included in the discussions with Bangladesh. However, the Centre has rebuffed her claims of not being consulted over the issue.

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Partially submerged buildings due to overflowing of Teesta river following incessant rains, near Teesta Bazar area in Sikkim on June 20, 2024.

West Bengal plans to dredge Teesta riverbed

June 24, 2024, 06:51 AM - 3 mins read

Officials from the Irrigation Department have indicated that dredging the Teesta basin is crucial to address breaches in the river spurs—extensions of embankments designed to protect vulnerable riverbanks.

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Mamata upset over Indo-B'desh talks over Teesta water issue

Teesta issue: Mamata upset over Indo-B'desh talks

June 24, 2024, 12:38 AM - 3 mins read

In West Bengal where the Ganges flows into Bangladesh is instrumental in ensuring that water diverts into the Hooghly River. It is critical for the functioning of the Kolkata Port and meets the water needs of urban settlements along the Hooghly-Bhagirathi river, including Kolkata.

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The Teesta River flows through the state, with Jalpaiguri district situated in its floodplain.

N Bengal floods as Sikkim releases barrage water

June 14, 2024, 02:32 AM - 3 mins read

The release of water from the barrages has resulted in rising the water level of the Teesta and because of that there is a threat of flood in areas on both sides of Teesta in Jalpaiguri district, an official of the irrigation department said.

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The residents living along the banks of the Teesta River in Darjeeling district are facing severe difficulties. The swelling river, fueled by relentless rainfall, has caused significant flooding and disruptions.

Teesta swells, north Bengal faces flood fury

June 13, 2024, 02:00 AM - 1 min read

The deluge, exacerbated by incessant rain on Wednesday night, has led to severe disruption in regions such as Teesta Bazar and Geil Khola, with roads submerged and houses at the riverbank in peril.

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Oficials take stock of the situation after an evacuation alert was sounded by the State Disaster Management Authority observing a surge in the water level of the Teesta River, in Malli on Wednesday.

Teesta River rises, Sikkim authorities on alert

May 29, 2024, 02:18 AM - 2 mins read

Authorities, including Block Development Officers (BDOs), Municipal Executive Officers (MEOs), and Station House Officers (SHOs), have been put on high alert to monitor the rising water levels closely.

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