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Trump ahead in six swing states, Biden holds ground in Wisconsin

In the lead-up to the upcoming November US election, President Joe Biden finds himself trailing his primary opponent, Donald Trump, in six out of seven crucial battleground states, as indicated by a recent opinion poll.

- Washington D.C. - UPDATED: April 4, 2024, 09:17 AM - 2 min read


Trump ahead in six swing states, Biden holds ground in Wisconsin

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In the lead-up to the upcoming November US election, President Joe Biden finds himself trailing his primary opponent, Donald Trump, in six out of seven crucial battleground states, as indicated by a recent opinion poll.


The electorate expresses widespread dissatisfaction with the national economy, coupled with significant reservations regarding Biden's competence and performance in office, according to a survey conducted by the Wall Street Journal.


Trump holds a lead ranging between two and eight percentage points in six battleground states: Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, and North Carolina. However, Biden maintains a three-point lead over Trump in Wisconsin.


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Across all surveyed states, negative assessments of the president's job performance outweigh positive ones by at least 16 percentage points, with this margin surpassing 20 points in four states. Conversely, Trump receives predominantly unfavourable job evaluations in just one state—Arizona—where negative ratings slightly exceed positive ones by one percentage point, as The Wall Street Journal reported.


Real Clear Politics, a tracker of major national polls, indicates a tight race between Trump and Biden this autumn. The average of major national polls suggests that Trump holds a 0.8 percentage point lead over Biden.






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