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Searched Tag: us president joe biden
Voters trust Trump on economy, Biden on democracy

Voters trust Trump on economy, Biden on democracy

June 25, 2024, 07:47 PM - 2 mins read

Biden had the upper hand over Trump in addressing political extremism and threats to democracy, the second most important concern of respondents.

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Tibetans anticipate Biden-Dalai Lama meeting as US delegation visits Dharamsala

Tibetans anticipate Biden-Dalai Lama meeting

June 16, 2024, 01:59 AM - 2 mins read

A bipartisan US congressional delegation, headed by House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul, is currently in India this week to meet with the Dalai Lama in a show of support for Tibet. The Tibetan administration in exile is hopeful that the Nobel Peace laureate will also meet with US President Joe Biden during his upcoming visit to America starting June 20.

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US proposal for Gaza ceasefire approved by UN Council. Image UN X.

UN council backs US ceasefire proposal in Gaza

June 10, 2024, 09:52 PM - 3 mins read

The United Nations Security Council has recently approved a US-drafted proposal calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. This action comes amid ongoing tensions in the region due to the Israel-Hamas conflict, which has now lasted for eight months.

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White house calls India 'vibrant democracy' days after Biden's 'Xenophobic' comment

White house calls India 'vibrant democracy' days after Biden's 'Xenophobic' comment

May 17, 2024, 06:52 PM - 2 mins read

White house communications advisor John Kirby was responding to a question on the ongoing Indian elections, wherein over 969 million people are exercising their right to franchise at one million polling stations to elect 545 members of parliament from thousands of candidates representing as many as 2,660 registered political parties.

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US House passes bill to send weapons to Israel amid Biden admin's delay

US House passes bill to send weapons to Israel amid Biden admin's delay

May 16, 2024, 07:29 PM - 2 mins read

Republicans accused Biden of turning his back on Israel following widespread pro-Palestinian protests.

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Biden imposes heavy import tariffs on Chinese imports

Biden imposes heavy import tariffs on Chinese imports

May 14, 2024, 06:43 PM - 5 mins read

Biden alleged that for years, the Chinese government has poured state money into Chinese companies across a whole range of industries: steel and aluminium, semiconductors, electric vehicles, solar panels, and even critical health equipment, like gloves and masks.

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Global markets opened on a cautious note today as Asian stocks dipped in response to concerning data from China and reports of impending tariff hikes by US President Joe Biden on certain Chinese goods.

Market jitters as Biden eyes tariff hikes on Chinese goods

May 12, 2024, 10:08 PM - 2 mins read

Equity benchmarks in Australia and Japan saw declines, mirroring the downward trend in Hong Kong futures. Additionally, US contracts showed a slight dip following the previous week's struggle of the S&P 500 index to gain momentum.

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US presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr has responded to reports that he suffered from a brain parasite by saying he's in 'robust health'

RFK Jr, who once said ‘worm ate a portion’ of his brain, claims he’s in good health

May 9, 2024, 10:32 AM - 2 mins read

US presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr has responded to reports that he suffered from a brain parasite by saying he's in 'robust health'

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The Biden administration is set to fortify the defenses of American AI against potential threats from China and Russia, sources have revealed.

Biden administration prepares AI defense strategy against China and Russia

May 9, 2024, 02:31 AM - 2 mins read

According to three individuals familiar with the matter, the Commerce Department is contemplating a regulatory initiative aimed at limiting the export of proprietary or closed-source AI models.

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This is the first time since October 7 last year that the United States has stopped a weapons consignment bound for the Israeli military.

Biden Administration halts weapons shipment to Israel amid Rafah offensive concerns

May 6, 2024, 02:24 AM - 3 mins read

This is the first time since October 7 last year that the United States has stopped a weapons consignment bound for the Israeli military.

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External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar.

Jaishankar rebuts Biden's "Xenophobic" remark, asserts India's openness

May 4, 2024, 06:44 AM - 3 mins read

Biden's comments, delivered during a fundraising event in Washington, sparked a diplomatic uproar as he categorised several countries, including India, as "xenophobic" for purportedly shunning immigrants. 

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White House upholds Biden's remark calling India, China, Russia & Japan 'xenophobic'

White House upholds Biden's remark calling India, China, Russia & Japan 'xenophobic'

May 2, 2024, 08:54 PM - 3 mins read

The White House stated that the President was making a broader point about the United States being a country of immigrants, unlike other countries that do not welcome immigrants.

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