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Mental health crisis in India intensifies: Economic Survey

For the first time, the survey extensively discussed the various socioeconomic impacts of mental health.

News Arena Network - New Delhi - UPDATED: July 23, 2024, 08:31 AM - 2 min read

Mental health crisis in India intensifies: Economic Survey

Mental health crisis in India intensifies: Economic Survey

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On Monday, the 2024 Economic Survey emphasised the rising occurrences of mental health challenges within the Indian populace. The Survey urged for a fundamental change and the implementation of a comprehensive, community-based approach to address mental health issues.


According to the report, prioritising mental health in society is vital, as it is both a health and economic necessity. For the first time, the survey extensively discussed the various socioeconomic impacts of mental health.


The document highlighted that mental health issues have a greater negative impact on productivity across the board compared to physical health problems.


Referring to the National Mental Health Survey (NMHS) 2015-16 data, the survey stated that 10.6 per cent of adults in India experienced mental disorders, and the treatment gap for mental disorders varied from 70 to 92 per cent for different conditions.


According to the NMHS, mental illness was more common in urban metro areas (13.5 per cent) compared to rural areas (6.9 per cent) and urban non-metro areas (4.3 per cent).


“The second and more expansive NMHS is currently in progress. According to Dhyani et al. (2022), individuals aged 25-44 years are the most affected by mental illnesses,” it noted.


The Mental Health and Well-being of School Students Survey conducted by NCERT noted a rise in poor mental health among adolescents, which the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has worsened. According to the survey, 11 per cent of students reported feeling anxious, 14 per cent reported experiencing extreme emotions, and 43 per cent experienced mood swings. Furthermore, 50 per cent of students mentioned studies as a source of anxiety, while 31 per cent cited examinations and results.


“Mental health problems affect the quality of life of an individual and constrain the realisation of an individual’s potential. At an aggregate economic level, mental health disorders are associated with significant productivity losses due to absenteeism, decreased productivity, disability, and increased healthcare costs,” it pointed out.


In terms of policies, the report emphasised that India is making progress in developing policies by acknowledging mental health as a crucial factor in overall well-being. 


However, the report mentioned that while most policy frameworks are established, effective implementation is needed to expedite improvements. At the same time, certain deficiencies in current programs need to be resolved to maximise their impact. 


The lack of awareness about mental health and the associated stigma is identified as a fundamental issue that could hinder the feasibility of any well-intentioned program.


The survey emphasised the need to increase the number of psychiatrists, from 0.75 per lakh population in 202143 to the WHO standard of 3 per lakh population, as a crucial measure in addressing mental health challenges.


Pathways for integrating mental health interventions in schools can involve creating a mental health curriculum suitable for different age groups for teachers and students, promoting early intervention and positive language in schools, encouraging community-level interactions, and managing the role of technology.


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