Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma announced on Wednesday that nearly 95,000 students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds in Assam have been granted free admission from Class 11 through post-graduation across colleges and universities.
Under the 'Pragyan Bharati Scheme', Sarma distributed Rs 68.44 crore to 349 institutions to facilitate free enrollment in arts, science, and commerce streams.
"This initiative provides a significant opportunity for nearly one lakh students to pursue higher education without financial burden, promoting inclusivity and empowerment," Sarma remarked at an official event.
In the first phase for the 2024-25 academic year, 94,838 students have already benefited, with Rs 68.44 crore disbursed to institutions, Sarma confirmed.
While initial fees were covered on Wednesday, subsequent payments will follow after document verification in the coming months, Sarma noted.
"Further rounds of admissions and fee waivers for 3rd and 5th semester students will be processed by September," he added.
Education Minister Ranoj Pegu highlighted recent changes, stating that the income eligibility threshold for free admission was raised to Rs 4 lakh annually, allowing ration cards as proof of income.
Officials reported that since the scheme's inception, 22,30,257 students have benefited, with a total disbursement reaching Rs 826.36 crore by the last academic year.