Rescue efforts continue in the aftermath of the devastating landslide in Mundakkai, with 210 bodies recovered so far, including 29 children. The disaster has left a trail of destruction, with entire neighbourhoods buried under massive slush and debris.
At the heart of the tragedy is the Vellarmala GVHSS school, which was destroyed in the landslide. The school's headmaster, Unnikrishnan, is struggling to come to terms with the loss, saying "Some of them (students) are gone in the disaster." The exact number of missing students is yet to be confirmed.
"My colleagues are not allowing me to go to school. We were not a typical school. We used to celebrate each and every commemorative day … Each day was a celebration for us. Some of them (students) are gone in the disaster," Unnikrishnan told reporters.
The school, once a hub of activity and celebration, now lies in ruins. A video song penned by Unnikrishnan has gone viral, highlighting the close bond between teachers and students. Teachers recall the moment they were asked to identify bodies, with one saying, "It's not just the students, but their families too have gone."
Ammukutty, a student, was pulled out from the rubble, her hand being the only visible part of her body. Teachers are now concerned about the welfare of surviving students, saying, "Students need counselling. How are we going to tell them that their friends are no more!"
The rescue operation is ongoing, with challenging conditions, including waterlogged soil, hindering the search for survivors. The state government has reported 49 children missing from the region, with the exact number of casualties yet to be confirmed.