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Searched Tag: science
ISRO has announced the commencement of registration for its 'Young Scientist Programme', targeting school children, starting on February 20.

ISRO announces Young Scientist Programme 2024 for school students

February 15, 2024, 10:40 PM - 2 mins read

The initiative aims to motivate more students to seek out careers and engage in research within the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM),and instills fundamental knowledge and awareness of emerging trends in space technology, space science, and space applications among youngsters

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Mysterious 900 feet blue hole in Mexico

Scientists uncover 'mysterious' 900 feet blue hole in Mexico; origin unknown

February 14, 2024, 01:36 AM - 2 mins read

Named Taam Ja', meaning "deep water" in Mayan, the massive underwater cavern spans approximately 13,660 square meters in the Chetumal Bay. Its nearly circular surface shape gives way to steep sides, forming a large conic structure adorned with biofilms, sediments, limestone, and gypsum ledges.

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ISRO’s woman robot astronaut “Vyommitra” to fly in third quarter of 2024

ISRO’s woman robot astronaut “Vyommitra” to fly in third quarter of 2024: Jitendra Singh

February 4, 2024, 10:43 PM - 2 mins read

Jitendra Singh said that the 'Vyommitra' astronaut is designed to simulate human functions in the space environment and interact with the life support system.

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Perseverance Rover Confirms Ancient Water Flows on Mars

NASA rover confirms ancient lake sediments on red planet

January 29, 2024, 10:16 PM - 2 mins read

The car-sized rover captured detailed images of the crater, providing scientists with a cross-sectional view of rock layers approximately 65 feet deep

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ISRO on saturday flagged off its meteorological satellite, INSAT-3DS to the Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) SHAR at Sriharikota.

ISRO's meteorological satellite flagged off to sriharikota spaceport for launch

January 28, 2024, 10:16 PM - 2 mins read

According to ISRO, INSAT-3DS is designed to provide continuity of services to the existing INSAT-3D and 3DR satellites while significantly enhancing the capabilities of the INSAT system. It is equipped with state-of-the-art payloads, including a 6-channel Imager, 19-channel Sounder meteorology payloads, and communication payloads such as the Data Relay Transponder (DRT) and Satellite-aided Search and Rescue (SAS&R) transponder.

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JAXA, has announced the successful landing of its Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM) craft on the lunar surface

Japan's precision Moon lander hits the target

January 25, 2024, 10:13 PM - 2 mins read

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, or JAXA determined that the spacecraft landed about 55 meters (60 yards) away from it's target, in between two craters near the Shioli crater, a region covered in volcanic rock.

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NASA's Perseverance rover has delivered unprecedented footage of Deimos, the smaller of Mars' two moons

Perseverance rover captures martian moon deimos in celestial transit

January 22, 2024, 11:51 PM - 2 mins read

The captivating event, recorded on the Martian surface, reveals the accelerated ten-times speed passage, offering a unique window into the intricacies of the Red Planet's natural satellites.

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Scientists in China have announced that they have cloned the first healthy rhesus monkey (macaca mulatta)

Scientists clone first healthy rhesus monkey

January 17, 2024, 06:23 AM - 2 mins read

“We have achieve the first live and healthy cloned rhesus monkey, which is a major step forward. It has indeed turned impossible to possible, although the efficiency is very low as compared to normal fertilized embryos”, stated Lu, an investigator at the state key laboratory of molecular developmental biology and institute of genetics

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Minister Rajeev Chandrasekhar invites Young Indians to MeitY, accompanies them to boAt’s manufacturing unit in Noida

Rajeev Chandrashekhar visited BoAt's manufacturing unit with Young Indians on national startup day

January 16, 2024, 10:22 PM - 2 mins read

During his visit, the minister interacted with the employees and engaged in discussions with co-founder Aman Gupta

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State-of-art AI supported telemedicine mobile clinic launched for remote hilly areas in Udhampur

State-of-art AI supported telemedicine mobile clinic launched for remote hilly areas in Udhampur

January 14, 2024, 11:21 PM - 2 mins read

“The “Doctor on Wheels" is latest, state-of-the-art Tele-Medicine Mobile Clinic supported by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and linked to some leading hospitals in the country. Patient can narrate his complaint in his native language and the AI Doctor also replies in same", Jitendra Singh posted on 'X'

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The government called for nominations for the "Rashtriya Vigyan Puruskar", which is the first-ever national science award

Nominations have been invited for first-ever 'Rashtriya Vigyan Puraskar'

January 14, 2024, 10:54 PM - 2 mins read

A total of 56 awards will be given in four categories across 13 domains- physics, chemistry, biological sciences, mathematics and computer science, earth sciences, agricultural sciences, envrionmental sciences, technology and innovation, atomic energy, space science and technology.

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NASA, Lockheed Martin reveal X-59 quiet supersonic plane

NASA, Lockheed Martin reveal X-59 quiet supersonic plane

January 12, 2024, 11:35 PM - 3 mins read

In a recent post on X, NASA said “Together with LockheedMartin, we have unveiled our new X059 supersonic plane. The X-59 will fly this year on the Quest mission to test quieter sonic booms”

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